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The Book of Awesome

The Book of Awesome - Neil Pasricha I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail as it's kind of hard to justify a really long review of this book considering the subject matter.

Just because I have given it 2 stars does not mean that I hated the book either. Judging by the GR rating system, I have selected "it was ok" and that's all it really was.

I did take pleasure in a few of the entries such as; "Obtaining the perfect milk to cereal ratio", "sleeping with one leg under the covers and one leg out" and "snow falling on Christmas eve".

About halfway through, I gave up reading Neil's write-ups and just read the subject lines. The write-ups were not really bad per say, they just didn't really add anything to the entry. It kind of felt like a waste of time.

That being said, I still visit the website on occasion. I think it works much better that way.