While sitting in an airport lounge, Jack Eisley is told by an attractive blonde that she had poisoned his drink. Assuming she is merely flirting and not believing any part of her threats, Jack leaves but eventually suffers unimaginable pain and sickness. Upon meeting back up with her, Jack slowly realizes just how true her threats are..
Swierczynski had stated he wanted to write a sequel to The Wheelman, I suppose this was his idea. While technically linked to the previous book in the sense that a minor character in Michael Kowalski returns, there's no real sembleanse in terms of continuation; the plot is totally unrelated. That being said, I did love the nod to the events in The Wheelman.
I loved the layout. The fact that Swierczynski tracks several interchangable narratives really keeps things moving at a brisk pace and helps the story stay consistently fresh. As in The Wheelman, Swierczynski's penchant for lightning fast action returns with quick and brutal violence. His writing is just so..
cool (that word isn't overused is it?)
There were a few things I was kind of bothered by. The only major one was when Jack used the nanobot infection as a weapon, essentially dooming his wife at the end. Was what she was doing really that bad that it deserved a death sentence?. However, it was nothing that really ruined my experience overall.
** On a side note (not that it matters), of all the books I've read in the past year or so, I can see this one easily adapting to the silver screen. Swierczynski's writing just oozes style and seems to be built for a slick, fast-paced film. Surprisingly, I've read that his book Severance Package has been optioned by Hollywood so I've got that one on deck.